B. inggris This two phenomenas are rare.Correct the sentence, write the materials, and explain your answer ! marisaaufderharulv – April 10, 2023
B. inggris Apa nama dari keluar dalam berbahasa Inggris tolong dibantu marisaaufderharulv – April 05, 2023
B. inggris Challenges ( Click 2 answers.) * a.They had to fight the harpies and sail between two rocks. b.He had to get the Golden Fleece and take it back to Pelias c.Jason sailed in the Argo, a special chip. d.Jason finally arrived at home of King Aetes. marisaaufderharulv – March 17, 2023
B. inggris Challenges ( Click 2 answers.) * a.They had to fight the harpies and sail between two rocks. b.He had to get the Golden Fleece and take it back to Pelias c.Jason sailed in the Argo, a special chip. d.Jason finally arrived at home of King Aetes. marisaaufderharulv – March 16, 2023
B. inggris Complete the zero conditional sentences below. 1. If you in the evening....you have a good sleep. marisaaufderharulv – March 08, 2023
B. inggris 5. What happened when the man walked toward his car A. Tomy ran after him B. He saw Tomy pick emp a wallet C. Something fell from his pocket D. He saw Tomy carrying a lot of things marisaaufderharulv – March 07, 2023